
Your presentation at the SCS - Swiss College of Surgeons Annual Meeting 2025

We are expecting numerous interesting scientific contributions from researchers in various fields of surgery and related topics at the SCS - SWISS COLLEGE SURGEONS ANNUAL MEETING 2025.

If you would like to contribute to the congress, please submit an abstract. There are numerous presentation formats and categories available to present your work to the right audience.

The submission platform is now open: https://www.congress-info.ch/abstracts/scs2025.

Submit an abstract

Please use the submission platform to submit your abstracts until January 19th 2025.

We look forward to your submission!

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  • 01 October 2024
    Opening of the submission platform

    The submission platform for abstracts will be opened from 01 October 2024, and we are looking forward to receiving many contributions.

  • 19 January 2025
    Abstract submission is closed

    The submission platform will be closed. Until this date you can submit abstracts or adapt already submitted abstracts.

  • Until the end of February 2025

    Immediately after the submission closes, the abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee.

  • End of March 2025
    Information to authors

    By the end of March, all authors will receive a report on their submission. If you are able to present your abstract at the congress, you will receive further information.

Deadline for the abstract submission

You can submit your abstract on our online platform until 19 January 2025.

Submission platform

Submission Options

Abstract submission is by specialty or by organ. (not by specialty or base organisation). 

The specification of a subject area is required for the submission of the abstract.

The abstracts will be presented in the following categories:

  • Oral communication
  • Video
  • Visual Abstract

Should an author have submitted an abstract in one category but the jury decides to accept the abstract in another category, the authors may retract their submission.

Evaluation and information to authors

Abstract authors will be informed by the end of March 2025 whether their abstract has been accepted by the jury and in which form or session it can be presented.

If you have any questions regarding your submission, please contact Dr. sc. med. Gilles Nève (gilles.neve@medworld.ch / Tel. +41 41 748 23 00).

Language of presentation

All presentations must be held in English.
No simultaneous translation will be provided.

Presentation slides and Visual Abstract must also be written and presented in English.

Abstract submission guidelines

  1. The abstract submission is categorised by field of expertise (anatomical region or subjects, and not by base organisation). Selection of a minimum of one field of expertise is required for submission.
  2. Abstracts may be submitted either for a free communication, a visual abstract, or a video. If the abstract is submitted as a free communication or a video, but is accepted by the jury as a visual abstract, the author may decide whether to present the abstract or to withdraw it. The video presentations will be integrated into free communication sessions or main sessions. 
  3. Abstracts can only be submitted online. Submissions by fax and e-mail will not be accepted.
  4. The abstracts must be submitted anonymously, i.e., no authors names, no institutions, no authors’ clinics, and no patient data may appear in the abstract title, text, supplements, or comments field. Important: the reviewers are obliged to REJECT your work if the above-listed anonymisation criteria are not respected.
  5. The responsibility for the content of the abstract lies with the submitting authors and the supervisors!
    • Writing style: clear, concise, fluent, no unexplained abbreviations
    • No grammatical and spelling mistakes
    • Accepted abstracts will be published unread and uncorrected
  6. The addresses of the submitting authors - if the abstracts are accepted - are intended for publication. The operator and the organisation assume no liability for incomplete or incorrect address information.
  7. Title and text must not be entered in capital letters. Please capitalise the title according to APA or AMA style rules: APA Style Title Case Capitalization.
  8. Papers already published or accepted for publication may NOT be submitted as an abstract. If the abstract has already been presented at another congress or published as an abstract, this must be noted in the "Further remarks" field at the end of the online submission. However, such abstracts may be submitted for the SCS – Swiss College of Surgery Annual Meeting.
  9. Abstracts can only be submitted in English. The top abstracts will be published in the special issue of the British Journal of Surgery (BJS).
  10. If the presenting author is in training to become a specialist and presents for the first time, they may apply - provided that the work is accepted - for the "Award for the best first presentation at the SCS – Swiss College of Surgery Annual Meeting", which is endowed with CHF 2,500.
    The jury will consider both the abstract of the research work as well as the presentation at the congress.
  11. The content of all abstracts (also for videos) must be structured as follows:
    Background / Aims / Material&Methods / Results / Conclusions. Tables and graphics can be integrated. References must not be provided.
  12. The number of words is limited to 300 (Title, names of authors and institution not included). In case of non-compliance, the jury may note "rejected - does not meet submission criteria" in the form.
  13. Evaluation of content is based on scores for content and style. Up to 4 points may be awarded for content and up to 2 points for style, for a maximum of 6 points. See review instructions below. Jury assignments will be made by the respective base organisation of the SCS.
  14. Tables and graphics, which are necessary for an objective evaluation of your abstract, can be attached as images (JPG or PNG) in a seperate step of the submission process. These must also be submitted anonymously!
  15. The submitting author will be notified via e-mail whether the abstract was accepted or not. Acceptance of abstracts results in a mandatory registration of the presenting author for the congress.
  16. The abstracts of the free communication, visual abstract, and video will be published unread and uncorrected (especially as regards grammar and spelling) in a special online edition of Swiss Knife. The responsibility for the abstract text lies entirely with the authors and the supervisors.

Notes on the review of abstract submissions

The evaluation of abstract submissions by the jury is based on the following checklist:

Checklist for abstract evaluation

Content Scoring (max. 4 points)

Clinical Studies

  • Methodology
  • Study Design
  • Topic relevance
  • Sample size
  • Follow up
  • Importance of findings

Case Report
(Series n < 10)

  • Originality
  • Innovation
  • Instructional value

(New techniques, devices, drugs)

  • Relevance
  • Problem/domain addressed
  • Innovation
  • Methodology used for evaluation
  • Importance of findings

(Review, research, lab. tests)

  • Topic relevance
  • Reader’s interest
  • Methodology
  • Study Design
  • Importance of findings
Style Scoring (max. 2 points)


  • Coherent: Title and objectives reflect the content; text is concise and remains focused on the subject area
  • Comprehensive: Purpose of the study, objectives, subjects, and methods used, key results and main conclusions are clearly described
  • Complete: Sufficient information within the abstract, accurate results description, study limitations, possible ethical aspects, further steps etc.
  • Logical: Well structured, rational argumentation, appropriate and connected conclusions

Writing style

  • Clarity and simplicity: Fluidly written, no unexplained abbreviations/terms used
  • Accuracy: No spelling or grammatical errors

Submission deadline

The submission platform for abstracts is open from October 1st, 2024, until January 19th, 2025, at 12:00 am.
Any abstract submitted after the deadline will automatically be rejected. 

Base Organisations