Scientific Programme

Free Communication
Guardians of the Scalpel
Industry Innovation Session
Main Session
Social Program



Wednesday, 21. May 2025

09:00 – 09:30

Registration, Welcome Coffee & Exhibition Opening

Format Break
09:30 – 13:00

Arthoscopy and Laparoscopy I

Room 1A
Format Course

This basic course will introduce you to laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgery training on mixed-reality simulators. While for both techniques eye-hand coordination and triangulation are the main manual skills, patient positioning and trocar positions can be trained as well.

Your skills will be tested at the beginning of the course, and you will see at the end how much you progressed over the course.

Teams of 2 work on both, the laparoscopic and the arthroscopy simulator and thanks to the patient model and the real instrument team training will enhance the learning. Medical instructors for the specialty guide you through the programs.

09:30 – 11:00

Basic and intermediate skills in peripheral endovascular interventions

Room 5B
Format Course

Endovascular treatment of peripheral arterial disease is nowadays considered as the gold-standard in many situations. Outcomes continuously improve due to advances in technologies and experience and this approach has to be proposed by any vascular surgeon. It is important that young trainees in vascular surgery have access to simulators  to develop competencies and skills in basic and intermediate endovascular treatment under the supervision of experts in the field.

09:30 – 13:00

Basic Robotic Surgery I

Room 5C
Format Course
Flurim Hamitaga, Bellinzona
We provide a basic course of robotic surgery for surgeons who are new to robotic surgery. We will teach you basic skills on robotic simulators adapting to the level of the trainee. The participants will exercises to gain familarity with the movments of instruments, camera control, needle handling, knot tying and anastomosis.
09:30 – 13:00

Clinical Research

Room 1C
Format Course
Pascal Probst, Frauenfeld

Clinical research is part of the work of a surgical trainee and conducting a proper literature search is useful for everyone practicing evidence-based surgery. The key elements of clinical research and conduct of a systematic literature search are included in this SCS course.

09:30 – 13:00

Complication management in general / visceral and vascular surgery I

Room 4A
Format Course

Realistic Surgical Training on Perfused Organs and Learning Hemostasis and Sealing Management Options Depending on the Patient Profile

In this workshop, you will practice dissection, suturing, and anastomosis techniques on perfused animal organs, and learn to understand when and how to correctly use specific hemostatic agents or sealants to improve patient outcomes. For every patient, there is an appropriate product for each challenging situation: the validated bleeding scale ViBE, as well as a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action and components of available intraoperative biomaterials, can support your daily surgical routine through standardized communication.

09:30 – 11:00

DavosCourse at SCS - Cholecystectomy I

Room 4BC
Format Course
Christian A. Nebiker, Aarau; Daniel Frey, Wetzikon

This course covers the principles of electrocautery for hemostasis on liver tissue and for using the cautery device to perform a cholecystectomy.

The handling and dangers of electrocautery as well as tips and tricks for cholecystectomy are highlighted.

After a theoretical part on cautery, all participants will perform a cholecystectomy under supervision of experienced instructors on a pig liver. In small groups of two participants, this course aims for optimal exposition to train cholecystectomy.

09:30 – 11:00

eFAST ultrasound - step-by-step I

Room 5A
Format Course
Maria Studer, Bern; Franziska Ziegenhain, Zurich; Heinrich Steitz, Aarau; Valentin Neuhaus, Zurich

Ultrasound is important in the evaluation of severly injured patients. In this workshop participants will learn how to perform the eFAST (Focussed Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) under the supervision of experienced tutors. Participants without ultrasound knowledge are also welcome.

09:30 – 13:00

Proctology Workshop

Auditorium B
Format Course
Frédéric Ris, Geneva; Ida Fueglistaler, Basel; Emilie Liot, Geneva; Guillaume Meurette, Geneva

Part 1: Managment of AIN and HPV infections

Part 2: Fecal incontinence

HPV infections and  dysplasia

Emilie Liot, Geneva; Céline Duvoisin, Morges; Antonino Sgroi, Yverdon

Conservative Management

Emilie Liot, Geneva; Céline Duvoisin, Morges; Antonino Sgroi, Yverdon

Surgery for AINs

Emilie Liot, Geneva; Céline Duvoisin, Morges; Antonino Sgroi, Yverdon

Prevention and follow-up

Emilie Liot, Geneva; Céline Duvoisin, Morges; Antonino Sgroi, Yverdon

Fecal Incontinence and Conservative Management

Joan Robert-Yap, Geneva

Sacral nerve modulation

Lukas Marti, St. Gallen

Surgical management

Ida Fueglistaler, Basel
09:30 – 13:00

TFNA workshop on saw bone and virtual reality

Room 1B
Format Course

Saw Bone Workshop & Virtual Reality with the TFNA Proximal Femur Nailing System.

Participants will implant a TFNA with the original instruments on a saw bone model. The same surgery will then be performed in a virtual reality environment.

10:00 – 14:30

SGG - Board Meeting

VIP Room
Format Assembly
11:30 – 13:15

DavosCourse at SCS - Anastomosis I

Room 4BC
Format Course
Christian A. Nebiker, Aarau; Daniel Frey, Wetzikon

This course covers the principles of anastomotic techniques and is an extension of the Davos GI course. Participants will train different anastomotic techniques, such as linear and circular stapler anastomoses, including small bowel anastomosis and colorectal anastomosis.

After a theoretical part with video presentations, the practical part includes exercises of anastomosis on porcine and synthetic intestines under supervision of experienced instructors, allowing a realistic experience for anastomotic techniques. In small groups of two participants, this course aims for optimal exposition.

11:30 – 13:00

eFAST ultrasound - step-by-step II

Room 5A
Format Course
Maria Studer, Bern; Franziska Ziegenhain, Zurich; Heinrich Steitz, Aarau; Valentin Neuhaus, Zurich

Ultrasound is important in the evaluation of severly injured patients. In this workshop participants will learn how to perform the eFAST (Focussed Assessment with Sonography in Trauma) under the supervision of experienced tutors. Participants without ultrasound knowledge are also welcome.

11:30 – 13:00

IVUS in arterial diseases

Room 5B
Format Course

The use and benefits of IVUS have been widely reported and demonstrated in venous diesases. However, its use in arterial disease is rarer. However, it offers many advantages not only in aortic treatment but especially in the treatment of PAD. By better characterizing the nature of the plaque, sizing the true diameter of the vessel and assessing the immediate result, it can highly improve the outcomes of endovascular PAD interventions.

11:30 – 13:00

Peripheral nerve examination (Trauma and recovery)

Room Foyer Patio
Format Course
Laurent Wehrli, Lausanne; Mauro Maniglio, Zurich; Saskia Kamphuis, Basel; Emmanuelle Richard, Lausanne

Immerse yourself with us in the fascinating world of nerves. How do you examine a patient with nerve lesion of the upper or lower extremity? Learn how to identify the location and type of lesion through clinical examination in order to optimally treat your patients with such pathologies. This course will add another level to your bone and soft tissue trauma knowledge. You will practice your new skills with simulated patients.

12:30 – 16:00

SGVC Board Meeting

Speakers Room
Format Assembly
13:00 – 14:00


Format Break
13:15 – 16:00

SGC - Board Meeting

Room 1C
Format Assembly
13:45 – 15:30

DavosCourse at SCS - Anastomosis II

Room 4BC
Format Course
Stephan Bischofberger, St.Gallen; Christian Hamel, Lörrach DE

This course covers the principles of anastomotic techniques and is an extension of the Davos GI course. Participants will train different anastomotic techniques, such as linear and circular stapler anastomoses, including small bowel anastomosis and colorectal anastomosis.

After a theoretical part with video presentations, the practical part includes exercises of anastomosis on porcine and synthetic intestines under supervision of experienced instructors, allowing a realistic experience for anastomotic techniques. In small groups of two participants, this course aims for optimal exposition.

14:00 – 17:30

Arthoscopy and Laparoscopy II

Room 1A
Format Course

This basic course will introduce you to laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgery training on mixed-reality simulators. While for both techniques eye-hand coordination and triangulation are the main manual skills, patient positioning and trocar positions can be trained as well.

Your skills will be tested at the beginning of the course, and you will see at the end how much you progressed over the course.

Teams of 2 work on both, the laparoscopic and the arthroscopy simulator and thanks to the patient model and the real instrument team training will enhance the learning. Medical instructors for the specialty guide you through the programs.

14:00 – 15:30

Basic course in osteosynthesis of the hand I

Room Foyer Patio
Format Course

The course 'Basic osteosynthesis of the hand' teaches about specific fracture patterns seen in hand surgery and about the principles of osteosynthesis in these small bones. We also discuss the clinical decision-making as to when to use what type of osteosynthesis. Moreover, the majority of the course will be dedicated to practicing doing your own osteosynthesis of sawbone hands, using different types of screws and plates.

14:00 – 17:30

Basic Robotic Surgery Course II

Room 5C
Format Course
Flurim Hamitaga, Bellinzona

We provide a basic course of robotic surgery for surgeons who are new to robotic surgery. We will teach you basic skills on robotic simulators adapting to the level of the trainee. The participants will exercises to gain familarity with the movements of instruments, camera control, needle handling, knot tying and anastomosis.

14:00 – 17:30

Complication management in general / visceral and vascular surgery II

Room 4A
Format Course

Realistic Surgical Training on Perfused Organs and Learning Hemostasis and Sealing Management Options Depending on the Patient Profile

In this workshop, you will practice dissection, suturing, and anastomosis techniques on perfused animal organs, and learn to understand when and how to correctly use specific hemostatic agents or sealants to improve patient outcomes. For every patient, there is an appropriate product for each challenging situation: the validated bleeding scale ViBE, as well as a deeper understanding of the mechanism of action and components of available intraoperative biomaterials, can support your daily surgical routine through standardized communication.

14:00 – 17:30

Everything I have to know about hernia repair

Auditorium B
Format Course
Philipp Kirchhoff, Basel; Andrea Donadini, Lugano

Discussion of daily business hernia surgery including techniques, tips and tricks, complications, and emergency surgery. Experts will discuss cases with you and you are invited to ask questions.


Three interesting cases to discuss

1. Diastasis Recti
3. Small inguinal Hernia

Johannes Toti, Bellinzona; Philipp Kirchhoff, Basel; Andrea Donadini, Lugano

Video - The perfect Lichtenstein

Johanna Willburger, Schlieren

Which techniques are mandatory to know for which hernia?

Johannes Baur, Basel

Coffee Break


Hernia-Battle (Romandie, Ticino, Deutschschweiz) - 2 complex cases

Assim Abu Tair, Bülach; Perparim Limani, Zurich

Present your own case to the experts


Major mistakes you have to avoid in the hernia world

Dietmar Eucker, Liestal
14:00 – 17:30

Laparoscopy in small volumes

Room 5A
Format Course
Enrico Broennimann, Lausanne; Sabine Vasseur, Lausanne; Olivier Sanchez, Lausanne

This course aims to offer participants the opportunity to practice laparoscopic knotting and suturing in a small (paediatric) working volume. Participants will have the opportunity to work on specific models using specially designed 3mm instruments.

14:00 – 17:30

Minimal Invasive Thoraxic Surgery Simulator Course

Room 1B
Format Course

Thoracic surgery as significantly changed over the past 10 years with a majority of cases being performed with a minimal invasive approach. This represents a major challenge for trainees that must learn these approaches in a safe environment. Here we have gathered the most up-to-date simulators to perform the various steps of lobectomy and segmentectomy and propose a full afternoon of training for these procedures

14:00 – 15:30

Physician-modified endografts

Room 5B
Format Course

Among the various endovascular options for the treatment of complex aortic disease at the thoracic and abdominal levels, physician-modified endografts have emerged as a suitable alternative to custome-made and off-the-shelf FEVAR and BEVAR. This technology confers many advantages, especially in emergency. However, it requires specific skills in terms of planning and sizing and also to create the PMEG.

15:00 – 19:00

SGT - Board Meeting

VIP Room
Format Assembly
16:00 – 17:30

Basic course in osteosynthesis of the hand II

Room Foyer Patio
Format Course

The course 'Basic osteosynthesis of the hand' teaches about specific fracture patterns seen in hand surgery and about the principles of osteosynthesis in these small bones. We also discuss the clinical decision-making as to when to use what type of osteosynthesis. Moreover, the majority of the course will be dedicated to practicing doing your own osteosynthesis of sawbone hands, using different types of screws and plates.

16:00 – 17:30

Basic Suturing Techniques : A Practical Approach

Room 5B
Format Course

In this practical course on wound management, students will be introduced to the essential fundamentals of asepsis, with an emphasis on infection prevention. They will learn to master basic suturing techniques, including the simple stitch, to effectively close wounds and promote optimal healing. Additionally, students will be trained in the safe and effective administration of local anesthesia to the skin, ensuring adequate pain relief for patients while minimizing complications. This course will provide students with the practical skills necessary to effectively manage wounds in various medical settings, while ensuring patient safety and well-being.

16:00 – 17:30

DavosCourse at SCS - Cholecystectomy II

Room 4BC
Format Course
Stephan Bischofberger, St.Gallen; Christian Hamel, Lörrach DE

This course covers the principles of electrocautery for hemostasis on liver tissue and for using the cautery device to perform a cholecystectomy.

The handling and dangers of electrocautery as well as tips and tricks for cholecystectomy are highlighted.

After a theoretical part on cautery, all participants will perform a cholecystectomy under supervision of experienced instructors on a pig liver. In small groups of two participants, this course aims for optimal exposition to train cholecystectomy.

16:00 – 18:00

SGC + SGVC Board Meeting

Room 1C
Format Assembly
17:30 – 18:30

Welcome Reception

Format Social Program

Enjoy a refreshing beverage and a snack after the Course Day and before the Champions League, and listen to the congress president officially opening the SCS Annual Meeting 2025!

18:30 – 20:00

Champions League

Auditorium B
Format Main Session
Marc-Olivier Sauvain, Neuchâtel

3 Teams – 3 Cases – 1 Winner.

Who will win the coveted Champions League trophy in 2025?

Team Ticino/Grisons:
Christian Michelitsch, Giorgio Prouse, Rosita Sortino

Team Romandie:
Juliette Brusa, Axel Gamulin, Aude Lehnen

Team Deutschschweiz:
Arby Babians, Dietmar Eucker, Thomas Lattmann

Vascular Surgery

Cases presented by: Ivan Sokolik, Lausanne

Juliette Brusa, Neuchâtel; Thomas Lattmann, Winterthur; Giorgio Prouse, Lugano; Ivan Sokolik, Lausanne

Visceral Surgery

Cases presented by: Sandra Kaufmann, Lucerne

Dietmar Eucker, Liestal; Sandra Kaufmann, Lucerne; Aude Lehnen, Geneva; Rosita Sortino, Basel

Trauma Surgery

Cases presented by: Nicole van Veelen, Lucerne

Arby Babians, Schlieren; Axel Gamulin, Geneva; Christian Michelitsch, Chur; Nicole van Veelen, Lucerne

Champions League Award Ceremony

20:00 – 22:00


Format Social Program

Enjoy an "apéro dînatoire" after the thrilling Champions League and mingle with your colleagues.

Basic Organisations
Guest Society