Association of Research in Surgery
Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Chirurgie
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie
CHF 2'000.00
Award for young scientists in the field of pediatric surgery (Prix NaCHwuchs)
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie
CHF 2’500.00
Award for the best experimental publication in the field of thoracic surgery
CHF 2’500.00
Award for the best experimental free communication in the field of thoracic surgery
Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Viszeralchirurgie
CHF 3'000.00 (1st Place)
CHF 1'500.00 (2nd Place)
CHF 500.00 (3rd Place)
Zollikofer Award: Award for three outstanding works in the field of minimally invasive surgery
CHF 3'000.00 (1st Place)
CHF 1'500.00 (2nd Place)
CHF 500.00 (3rd Place)
Award for the three best videos in the field of minimally invasive surgery
Swiss College of Surgeons
The SCS is sponsoring an iPad worth CHF 500 for the best visual abstract
Swiss Trauma Society
CHF 1’000.00
Award for the best visual abstract
CHF 1’000.00
Award for the best clinical presentation


CHF 3'500.00
BJS prize for the best abstract